Objectives of project
The main objectives of our projects are:
- to enhance students' awareness and knowledge about environmental issues in relation to their professional field
- to promote the idea of circular economy
- to encourage students to be actively implicated in ecological activities by bringing solutions to environmental issues using their vocational skills
- to raise environmental awareness and sensitivity in public
- to engage students in developing their personal responsibility within global eco-friendly citizenship and to perceive themselves as eco-friendly future employees
We also aim to:
- promote respect for the environment and develop an understanding of the importance of making sustainable choices not only at home but also at a workplace
- create a green-skilled workforce qualified for green jobs
- increase involvement in environmental activities
- help students develop critical and global thinking
- encourage joint decision-making
- improve communication skills among students of different cultural backgrounds
- encourage students in using foreign languages in conversation with English, also use vocational English
- provide teachers with new knowledge, tools and learn from their experience - good practice
- develop innovation, creativity, and team spirit
- involve disadvantaged groups and provide opportunities for personal development and self-confidence
- develop cross-curricular competencies - STEAM, communication, leadership, empathy, entrepreneurship.
Target group:
The project targets secondary school pupils aged 15 - 19 years old. Each participating school will engage all the students willing to
participate (at least 15) aged 15-19 and at least 3 teachers to help with the realization of the project and also take part in transnational
Partners meetings. Teachers will support the students and share good practices with teachers from partner countries. These teachers and
pupils will take part in all kinds of events and activities that will be prepared at hosting schools. They will be involved in updating
information on the project's website, and social media and managing the YouTube channel. They will prepare presentations, posters, and
additional materials both during the project and dissemination. They will take care of the visiting participants on the school premises. All
the project's activities will make it possible for them to make new friends with other students from many European countries, practise their
foreign language skills, break prejudices and stereotypes, learn new skills, and gain knowledge. Indirect participants will be a wider group
of students of the same age as well as teachers. They will take part in conferences, will have access to outcomes, and will be asked to fill
out some questionnaires.